

I got my first dog, german shepherd, in 1968 and my first dobermann, Szeleskozi Ahmed Aris, in 1975. A malinois, Rodo Polluxov,  came in to my house in 1995.
“Cobra” kennel is registered in FCI in year 1985, under the number 2005.
Before that I also had litters but those dogs didn’t have Cobra in their names.

You may find Cobra dogs all over the world:
Germany, Switzerland, Japan, Canada, United States, Russia, Slovakia, Austria, Denmark, Greece, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Argentina…

Today I’m the international FCI judge for group II and work of utility dogs (IPO), the president of Belgrade Dobermann Club, the president of Serbian committee for working (Utility) dogs, board member of Belgrade Kennel Club.

Yugoslavian Kennel Club awarded me with silver and gold badge.
Serbian Kennel Club awarded me with badge for accomplishments. 

One of the foundation females of “COBRA” kennel
Britkas Black Chiqvita
Born: 09. June 1979
Results: 13 x CAC, 10 x BOB
(Don Dayan v. Franckenhorst x Bryanstamms Illissa Idee)

Me (in the middle) judging the Slovak Club Specialty Show (Bratislava, Slovakia 25. October 1998). On the photo on this left MVDr. Gabriela Ridarcikova with Victoria Z Tomky and on his right Mr. Ivan Spalovsky with Argus v. Ixtlan. Both dogs were Youth Club Winners.

Yugoslavian representation on FCI World Championship, Meppen, Germany 1998
with me as a team lider.

Judging NDKH Jahressieger Show (Hódmezővásárhely, Hungary 14. October 2017) Bakondi Csaba, Istvan Horvat, me and Lodi Istvan